BJM Danse
Directeur artistique Louis Robitaille
Director Serge Bennathan
Desrosiers Dance Theatre Harbourfront Premiere Dance Theatre Toronto, 1992
Kidd Pivot 

Octavia Cup 
Director Laura Ward
"Sporting Life" At the studio, Toronto 1996  Art director: Julia Sasso
Untitled Works
BJM Danse
Desrosiers Dance Theatre Harbourfront Premiere Dance Theatre Toronto, 1992
Octavia Cup
Director Laura Ward
Untitled Works
Laura Ward
Untitled Works
BJM Danse
Direction artistique Louis Robitaille
Lourdes Garcia
Untitled Works
Director Serge Bennathan
Carolyn Woods Gerry Trentham
Untitled Works 2010
Untitled Works 1996
BJM Dance 
Directeur artistique Louis Robitaille
Untitled Works 1996
BJM Danse 
Directeur artistique Louis Robitaille
BJM Danse
BJM Danse
Untitled Works 2010
Untitled Works 1996
Untitled Works 1996
BJM Danse
At the studio Jumps 2 Learie McNicolls and Robert Glumbeck June 1994
Les vents tumultueux
Directeur artistique : Serge Bennathan
Le 31 octobre 1993
Poster Promotionnel pour la saison 1994-95
Les vents Tumultueux
at the Studio Toronto, 1994
Jamie Tapper The National Ballet of Canada
for The Globe and Mail newspaper
Nicole RIvelli photographie © 1995
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